2022 Federal Election: Jenny Morrison Promotes Scomo’s Retirement Plan on Instagram
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2022 Federal Election: Jenny Morrison Promotes Scomo’s Retirement Plan on Instagram

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has re-rolled his popular wife, Jenny Morrison, in an Instagram video promoting his early super entry for the first home buyer’s schedule.

2022 Federal Election: Jenny Morrison Promotes Scomo's Retirement Plan on Instagram

The video, uploaded late Tuesday afternoon, comes just days before federal elections are held.

“Hello, we’re here in Darwin, and we just got some exciting news on how to get into your first home, which is so important to Australians,” said Jenny Morrison, starting the video.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said that “owning your own home is one of the most important things you can do in life” and outlined that his party “helps Australians get into their first home” by diving into their super.

“It’s your money, you should be in control of it, and it should help you get off to a good start by helping you buy a house,” he said.

“And if you sell it, you can put the money back into retirement, so it’s there for you when you retire.”

The proposed policy has met with harsh criticism from Labor and political commentators, with former Prime Minister Paul Keating saying, “the Liberals hate the pension system – they object to working Australians having a rich pension independent of the government.”

“The Libs believe that ordinary bodies should be happy with the old age pension. Let them know their place,” said Mr. Keating.

“If the public needs one more idea to put this intellectually corrupt government to death, then this is a major offense – and with the government, it is an unscrupulous prime minister.”

Camera icon Prime Minister Scott Morrison and their wife, Jenny Morrison, appeared in an Instagram video to promote the coalition’s plan to help first-time homebuyers. Credit: MICK TSIKAS/MONKEY IMAGE

However, Mr. Morrison didn’t seem to shy away from promoting the scheme to young voters.

“We know how difficult it is for people to buy their first home. Thirty years ago, it was hard, it’s still hard, and it’s getting harder,” Morrison said in the Instagram video.

“And so it’s important that people get that break, that they get that opportunity, that they get that leg up, and you know that using your own money is a great way to start.

“We know no one else will let you do that, so just by voting Liberal and National on Saturday this weekend, you will gain access to your own pension to buy your first home.”

The message with Ms. Morrison came a day after an article by The West Australian featuring a vox doll with 50 female voters received some scathing backlash.

Tahlia Glasson, 22, told The West Australian she doesn’t “feel like he represents me or understands women and women’s issues”.

The article stated that Painted Dog Research had found that only 14 percent of women aged 18 to 29 were satisfied with the current Prime Minister.

However, 60 percent of young women were dissatisfied with Mr. Morrison – a stark contrast to the 33 percent who viewed opposition leader Anthony Albanese unfavorably.

The election will take place on Saturday, 21 May.